阿特金逊: strong > 是啊,当你未能展现最佳状态的时候,每一场比赛都会显得异常艰难。但正如今早讨论过的一样,这是一个反馈机制——当一切都不顺利时,你是否还能赢下比赛? 今晚这次获胜给团队带来了良好的反馈。 p > < p >< strong > 问 : 赢 下 这种 状 态 不佳 的 比赛 , 关键 在 于 什么 ? strong > p > < p >< strong > 阿 特 金 森 : strong > 我认为主要归功于我们的深度。在情况不太理想的时候,比如说多诺万(米切尔)上半场表现挣扎,此刻伯克替补登場,为球队注入不同活力。这种来自替补席的重要贡献真的不可或缺 。 p > < p >< strong > 问 : 您 如何 看 待 联盟 中 那些 年 轻 核 心 球 员 ? 比 如24 、25 岁 的 主 力 ? str ong > P > < P >< STRONG>A TKINSON: 首先 ,这是令人兴奋 的 . 我们 队中的年轻球员很多,即使 像 多 诺 万也是27岁。而其他诸如埃文(莫布里)则 更加年 青 。这些年轻人从 一 开始就 有发展机会,例如 达 利厄斯 ( 加 兰 德 ) 和 埃 文 自 入联 后 就一直作为首发. 所以他们经历了一系列起伏,现在正处于 职业 生涯 上升期 ,未来值得期待,例如埃文他的潜力才刚刚被挖掘.
(Q): Are you worried about the team peaking too early, especially during this West Coast trip against average opponents?
This is not a concern for me as we have plenty of rotation players that keep our energy and momentum intact. Similar to Steve Kerr's approach, I prefer involving more players which greatly benefits the team's morale. As for this West Coast journey, it has been quite a test so far—we started well with a win in Denver followed by defeating four-time champions Warriors.
The Warriors used to dominate third quarters; now your team seems like one of those teams too—was there any special emphasis on that?
Kenny Atkinson:No initially but after struggling in third quarters earlier this season we've specifically addressed it since then tonight winning by +15 points over them reminds me of how warriors would often crush their opponents at same time frame.I'm unsure if that's what defines greatness though it's crucial indeed!You mentioned young player’s stamina & enthusiasm are vital - just how significant do they prove late game situations?
Kenny: It matters immensely! Tonight showcased when games reach latter stages our youthful vigor took precedence allowing us claim victory ultimately thanks depth played huge role throughout entire match!. P