

1月9日讯 NBA传奇球星纳什于2016年成为马洛卡俱乐部的股东之一。近日,他接受了西媒《阿斯报》的采访,分享了对俱乐部发展现状及足球看法的见解。











即将在半决赛面对皇马,你认为球队战胜他们的机会大吗? " 皇马是一支顶尖队伍,他们拥有众多世界级明星,我们必须迎接这一挑战。同时,也要付出足够努力,以信心去争取胜利。在足球领域,一切都是不可预测。如果有机会,我相信我们的团队可以做到.”

如果选择的话,更倾向哪支球队:皇马还是巴萨? “ 我当然站在 马 洛 卡 一边!我是坚定不移地支持 马 洛 卡 的人!虽然我不是皇马会或巴萨粉丝,但很钦佩它们辉煌历史和卓越表现。在过去25年里,两者都展现惊人的实力。我从小热爱足球,因此一直关注这两家俱而且瓜迪奥拉执教时给我的启发尤为显著.” < p >您受过博卡青年队什么样灵感呢?" 我并非忠实博卡拥趸,但十分欣赏各地区 足球 所体现浪漫主义 ,特别是 阿根廷 足 球 。 在 博 开 和 河 床 解 放 者 杯 半 决 赛 中 親 身观 战 ,那种震撼会终生铭记 .”             
"父亲曾经是 热 刺 的死忠粉,从小耳濡目染下,我也是热刺铁杆粉丝,多次造访白鹿巷,对那里氛围情意绵绵。不过由于某些原因尚未参观新 stadium,非常期待回伦敦探望一下."   你的职业生涯中踢过足球么?“确实如此,那可是我最早参与运动,“射门”便 是婴儿时期学会第一个词汇。我爸爸出生于伦敦,还曾当过半职业选手。从小喜 爱 足球,现在偶尔还会上场玩耍,很享受其中。然而13岁时因转向篮球放弃. ” 希望哪个皇家 Madrid 球员不要上阵跟 Mallorca 对抗 ? "
"[回答]:This is a tough question! I know Mbappé's start in Real hasn't been ideal but his talent remains undeniable. Vinicius is an outstanding player, Bellingham can change matches and Modric plays with such calmness that he contributes whether starting or coming off the bench. Overall it's hard to pick just one - I'd prefer most of them not being on the pitch against us." You admire which coach?
"It’s difficult to pinpoint specific names as some coaches succeed due to large budgets while others achieve results with limited resources.I truly respect those who establish clear systems for their teams ensuring both present success & future sustainability." NBA 与 La Liga 有何区别 ?"< br/ > "The differences are evident: relegation/promotion system, player drafts and salary caps make each league unique although they share international appeal.” The passion within Spanish football vs NBA — Which do you feel has greater intensity?”:
"They're fundamentally different forms of engagement—Spanish clubs often boast over a century-long legacy deeply rooted among fans; generally speaking this contrasts sharply with how competition manifests itself stateside where sports like baseball/American Football also hold sway alongside basketball meaning fewer die-hard followers traveling distances for games unlike Spain.” Your viewing habits—Do you find yourself watching more soccer or basketball lately?
"I watch far more soccer than hoops especially before playoffs kick-off!" ":< / b >  ;<p>"> "Of course it’ll be my beloved Mallorca!” Your ambitions regarding club’s future aspirations?: <br/>< span style = "color:red;" > “It feels wonderful indulging in daydreams about seeing ‘Mallorca competing at Champions League level’ even winning it someday—but realistically our priority remains achieving financial sustainability first thereby securing position within top flight leagues whilst fostering pride amongst supporters through continual infrastructural improvements aimed towards enhancing overall experience associated throughout everything related back down here @MALLORCA!" </span> 纳什:热刺球迷身份伴我一生,足球观赛经历超越篮球