热那亚 vs 帕尔马
————————————————————————威尼斯 vs 国际米兰
< p > 威尼斯上轮与恩波利打成1-1,并且已经连续两轮没有赢得比赛。在这期间虽然波赫扬帕洛破门,但由于整体发挥处于劣势,只能勉强保住平局。而国际米兰近期状态火爆,上周末以3-0大获全胜地击退卡利亚里,实现五连胜。不过,他们在意超杯决赛却遭遇逆转,以2-3遗憾落败给AC米兰,其中塔罗米贡献了一传一射的数据。 p > < p > 在过去三次交手中, 威尼斯未能获得任何分数,目前亚洲指数显示国际米兰作客让球半。尽管威尼斯近期走势稍显稳健,但是由于开局阶段丢分过多,现在依旧徘徊降级区边缘。而国 米为了争夺联赛冠军,每一分每一个细节都极其重要,本回合必然会全力以赴迎战升班马。因此看好他们能够顺利获取客 win 。 P > < p >< strong > 比赛时间 : strong > 1 月 12 日 22 :00 P > < p >< strong > 竞彩推荐 : strong > 胜 平 負: 負 ; 分 数 : 0 -2 、1-3 < p >< 强烈 > 强烈 >:: 后 卫 阿 切 尔比 , 比 塞 克 , 中 场 恰 尔 汉 奥卢 , 前 锋 科 雷 亚 【 / span 】 ———————————————————————— 博洛尼亚 vs 罗 马 博洛尼亚游上一仗经过激烈角逐最终以2:3惜败于维罗纳,从而终结了之前的连胜纪录。其中,多明戈斯独自打入两个进球,而奥德加德也曾几度险些改写比分。但相比之下,罗马上个赛事凭借萨勒马克和佩莱格里的先发努力,以2:零轻松锁定对手。同时,该团队目前已实现三线不敗并坐拥豪华5 连 勝 的 主 场 成 瓦!从往绩来看,两者之间较量十番纠缠,共收获5 次笑傲江湖,相比之下 博 洛 尼 亚 虽 然 上 周 遭 到 保 險 队伍反 超,却无奈过程太戏剧化。他们不仅送出了乌龙,还吃到了红牌,使情况更加复杂。这种情况下即便是面临着 客 战难题,加上下盘初始悬殊机会仍可期待! 【比赛时间】: 01 : s t a r t e d at > ;<br />The Recommended Bet : b> winner/loss ratio = loss/win score prediction – (21) or (11) injured players of the home team: forward kambiaji, midfielder azzusi, midfielder ebisher and pobega suspended. away team injuries include mid-fielder cristante. —– — — — N apoli versus Verona N apoli on round three zero light to Florence in league four consecutive victories Lukaku contributed one pass and shot Neressand McTominay each scored. W erona last week drew Udinese goalless two rounds unbeaten Serda was sent off for red card goal Mandi put six saves. In terms of historical encounters Napoli has achieved five wins against Verona so far this season they have been sitting atop with minimum goals conceded while also having multiple matches won by single digits meaning their defense is key under Conte’s championship strategy . However given that Werona managed its first draw after many failed attempts but still concedes more than forty-two goals creating immense pressure when facing leading sides like them it suggests tough circumstances ahead despite Napoli's impressive form along with current spread being deep enough suggesting victory might not be easy either! Match time will take place January thirteenth starting from am o'clock betting predictions suggest possible win scenario where final scoreline could land anywhere between results listed below! **Home Injuries:** Defender Biongiorno **Away Team Missing Players Include Defenders Frese Cruz Midfielders Haruy Seida as well those out due suspensions mentioned earlier too!**