

(原文发表于1月12日,作者为露天看台的Andy Bailey,文章内容不代表译者观点)距离2025年NBA交易截止日还有不到一个月,我们正式进入了交易、流言和合同评估的季节。这段时间是分析NBA球员合同时机最佳,不仅可以对比其与球队价值,还能判断可能带来的负面影响。













(Contract Remaining: Two years, $48 million). 小贾伦已经悄然成为灰熊内的重要人物,目前西部排名第三。他本赛季以22.6分6.4篮板的数据向全明星席位发起冲击,同时保持着合理薪水定位,为球队创造了极大价值。.

最好 : 杰 兰 - 布 伦 森 < P >< STR O NG > 剩余 合同 详 情 : 五 年 , $18150 万 ( 包 含 到 28 -29 球 队 的 可 持 有 权 ). 上 个 季 度 ,布 鲁 托 在 MVP 投票 中 排 第 五 。 当 他 去 年 夏 天 与 尼 克 西 签 下 此 合 同 时 ,这 一 协 定 随 即 成 为 联盟 中 除 超级巨星外 最具 垄断 性 的 契 約 . 本賽 季 平 均 得 分爭取25 分7 .6 助 攻 和38 .8 % 三 分命中率,使之再度成為進入聯盟頂級控衛行列的一員. S/Fifth Worst Contract:Zach LaVine
Remaining contract details: Three years, $138 million (with a player option for the '26-'27 season). While his performance has improved somewhat since earlier in the season, it remains burdensome given his defensive shortcomings and injury history as he turns thirty this March.

The third worst:Kawhi Leonard
Remaining contract details: Three years at $149 million; however, there are ongoing concerns over health limitations which have caused him to miss significant time throughout recent seasons giving little return on investment despite being capable of top-level play when healthy. The second-worst is Jeremy Grant

His remaining four-year deal totaling about 132 Million dollars became problematic post-Lillard trade due largely to underwhelming contributions that don’t match up with expected starter levels around scoring efficiency or defensively while also lacking rebounding ability.
Finally, The absolute worst currently belongs to Bradley Beal:  Three Years At Over One Hundred Sixty-One Dollars ($161 MM) With No Trade Clause And Opt-Out In The Last Year Of Deal! Despite talent level dropping off recently along with poor defense making him less valuable compared other players getting paid more than five times lower salaries! This makes trading impossible unless Beal agrees thus placing even further strain upon team dynamics moving forward! ```