★ 球员履历
- 早期经历: 出道于新疆乌鲁木齐宋庆龄足球学校。
- 国字号经历: 2013年入选U22国青队,是中国国字号历史上首位哈萨克族球员;2014年5月29日,在土伦杯小组赛中首次代表93届国奥队首发,对手是墨西哥队。
- 俱乐部经历:
- 2012年:代表新疆君悦海棠参加中乙联赛。
- 2014年1月:签约葡萄牙贡多马尔俱乐部,并首次亮相于对阿马兰特的比赛中。
- (2014/15赛季):为贡多马尔出场13次,全为首发表现。
- (2016年夏天):转会至葡超劲旅费雷拉,成为第一位登陆欧洲顶级联赛的中国门将。 li > < li > ( 2017 年 7 月 ) : 加盟 葡甲 莱雄伊什 足球俱 乐 部 。 li >
- ( 2018 年 2 月 ): 加盟 萨 尔盖 鲁什 足球 клуб ,创造540分钟不丢球个人纪录 。 li >
- (2020 /19 季 度): 重回贡 多 马尔 半程 联賽贡献8 次零封表 現 , 帮助 球 队 一度高 居榜 首, 整个赛事共登 场23次 全 为 首 发 . Li >
< p >< strong > ★ 球 员履 历 strong > p >
< ul >< l i >< s trong > Early experience: Began at the Xinjiang Urumqi Song Qingling Football School.
< l i >< s trong > National team experience: In June of this year, he was selected for the U-20 national youth team and became the first Kazakh player in Chinese history; On May twenty-ninth of last year, he made his debut against Mexico in a group match during the Toulon Tournament.
"Club Experience:"; u-l>; ;""> ·In two thousand twelve years old: Represented Xinjiang Junyue Haitang to participate in China B League. ·January fourteenth fourteen years later signed with Portuguese club Gondomar FC and debuted against Amarante. ·(Two Thousand Fourteen - Two Thousand Fifteen Season) appeared thirteen times as starters for Gondomar. ·Summer sixteen transferred to Portugal Premier league powerhouse Ferreira becoming China's first goalkeeper into Europe’s top leagues. ·July Fourth Seventeen joined Liga Pro Leça do Balio Club. February eight Eighteen Joined Salgueiros football club set personal record without conceding goals within five hundred forty minutes. In season eighteen nineteen returned again once more contributing eight clean sheets helping them rise temporarily atop table competing over course appearing twenty-three matches all started on field! Febuary Twenty Nineteen ended overseas career returning home joining Chongqing Liang Jiang Team playing nine games total throughout two-year period! August Twenty-two joined Heilongjiang Ice City Soccer Club played thirty-six Total Games across following seasons until now!